So you have a website for your business and I hope it’s making you money. Kudos to you if your website is stuffing money into your face from the screen, because most company websites are not.
Your website should be a profit generating asset, not a soul-sucking overhead expense.
If you are one of the unfortunate majority where you are stuck with a beautiful “online brochure” with no monetary value, here’s something helpful for you. We’ve put together a checklist to show you 6 immediate changes you should apply right now to your website, so you can instantly boost your conversion rate.
When I talk about conversion rate, I am talking about for every 100 prospects visiting your site, you’ll have 10-15 people check out to buy your product or directly enquire about your business. These changes are battle-tested and super simple to implement.
So, download your free copy now so you can finally start turning your website into a sound marketing investment. Enjoy reading, then go and put it into execution.